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"An engaging summer read, full of wit, charm, and drama."

- Kirkus Reviews

Summer on Dune Road

"This was a warm hearted and good read for a person who valued their family and realized that love not money is truly what is important.

- Net Galley Review First Came Us

"I tore through the book and did not want it to end."

- Amazon Customer Review Only Summer

"Readers will be drawn in by each character's storyline and likely have trouble putting this novel down before it's finished."

- Westchester Magazine

Only Summer

"Very engaging book, the story and characters pull you into their lives. You begin to feel as if you are actually part of the story yourself!"

- Amazon Customer Review Only Summer

an Upper west side story


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"Beach read of the year! Summer on Dune Road will bring back memories of summer romance, college partying, and all the drama that goes with it. With three strong female characters leading the way, this book is a juicy read that will leave its readers oh-so-satisfied"

- Manhattan Book Review

Summer on Dune Road

"A provocative read about love and forgiveness."

- Kirkus Reviews 

First Came Us

"Perfect for the beach or a lazy Sunday afternoon, readers will dive right into the surprisingly relatable situations that unfold as the pages turn and won’t come up for air until the back cover is shut."

- Westchester Magazine

The Way I've Heard It Should Be

"Thank you so much for writing another book! This is a great summer read."

- Amazon Customer Review  Only Summer

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